downloadWhy can't I download this file?,à Put proxy IP [string]$port='8888',à Proxy port [string]$awsEndPoint='',à Put the region specific global endpoint URL [string]$hypConnName='AWSConnection', à Connection name [string]$apiKey='xxxxxxxxxxx', à API Key [string]$secretKey='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',à Secret Key [string]$resourceLocation='Divesh-AWS-Citrix' à Resource location name ) Add-PSSnapinCitrix.* $hypType='AWS' # Setup the metadata entry for the proxy host and port that you are intending to use. $options='ProxyHost=$server,ProxyPort=$port' $secureSecretKey=ConvertTo-SecureString-String$secretKey-AsPlainText-Force # getting our resource location identifier so this connection knows where to go for xdhyp provider $zoneUid= (Get-ConfigZone|Where-ObjectName-EQ'$resourceLocation').Uid $hypHc=New-Item-Pathxdhyp:Connections ` -Name$hypConnName ` -HypervisorAddress$awsEndPoint ` -UserName$apiKey ` -SecurePassword$secureSecretKey ` -ConnectionType$hypType ` -Metadata @{ 'Citrix_MachineManagement_Options'=$options } ` -CustomProperties' ` -Persist ` -ZoneUid$zoneUid $bhc=New-BrokerHypervisorConnection-HypHypervisorConnectionUid$hypHc.HypervisorConnectionUid
After making the changes, DDC hosting unit should get entries for proxy server and port number.
Problem Cause
When adding hosting connection on Citrix cloud DDC, AWS connector instance tries to resolve the AWS EC2 global endpoints directly by sending the traffic to public IP’s of AWS global endpoints for ec2 service.
Due to which connector server was not able reach the hosting connection URL and failed to add the hosting unit.
Collecting Wireshark/fiddler logs showed that TCP Port 443 traffic intended for is going to public IP address of the website, instead of going via proxy server.
Running this script forces the connector server to send the traffic intended EC2 public endpoints via proxy.
Apart from AWS global endpoints, other URL’s go via proxy server.
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downloadCCCCv1.2.zipWhy can't I download this file?