
We offer completely automated and customizable FX trading solutions in the 8 major currencies.
Systematic, quantitative, high performance.

Pecunia has been board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery since 1996 and maintains his board certification through the maintenance certification program. Pecunia maintains a broad interest in all aspects of plastic surgery. He has special interest in cosmetic and breast surgery, as well as body contouring procedures, facial. Pecunia constituta. Money owing (even upon a moral obligation) upon a day being fixed constitute) for its payment, became recoverable upon the implied promise to pay on that day, in an action called “de pecunia constituta,” the implied promise not amounting (of course) to a stipulatio. Pecunia non nnmerata. Sed decreta pecunia ex aerario, utque per circum triumphali veste uterentur: curru vehi haud permissum. Money was, however, voted from the exchequer, and though the use of the triumphal robe in the circus was prescribed, it was not allowed them to ride in a chariot. The Channel is made for you, the person who wants to undertake and is afraid to do it alone, WE will support you with good advice. Dedicated to giving you real suggestions so that you can. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

About Us


Pecunia Solutions is a privately held technology company headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. It was founded in 2018 by a group of successful professional and private investors.
The management team has over 15 years’ experience in the development of fully automated trading systems. For 7 years, it focuses exclusively on the trading of foreign currency markets.

FX System Strengths


Pecunia Non Olet

Fully Customizable

Risk and return parameters can be fully customized to mach all varying profiles of private and institutional investors.

Strong RisK Management

Pecuniary in a sentence
Multi-dimensional risk monitoring.
Hard coded and automatically executed. Clear rules for all trades.

Completely automated

Cutting edge algorithms. Completely automated system with human supervision.
24/7 monitoring.

Transparent & Liquid

Portfolio Diversification

Low correlation to equities and fixed income.
Different source of alpha.

Not High Frequency

Average trade duration ~20 days.
No high frequency trading – No arms race against superior players.

Pecunia Fx

Contact Us

Pecunia Solutions AG
Klausstrasse 19
8008 Zürich


PECUNIA, civil law, property By the term was understood, 1. Money. 2. Every thing which constituted the private property of an individual, or which was a part of his fortune; a slave' a field, a house, and the like, were so considered.
2. It is in this sense the law of the Twelve Tables said; Uti quisque pater familias legassit super pecunia tutelare rei suae, ita jus esto. In whatever manner a father of a family may have disposed of his property, or of the tutorship of his things, let this disposition be law. 1 Lecons Elem. du Dr. Civ. Rom. 288.
3. Flocks were the first riches of the ancients, and it is from pecus that the words pecania, peculium, peculatus, are derived. Co. Litt. 207.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.